Monday, December 30, 2019
A guide for thriving in a fast world 3 things worth remembering
A guide for thriving in a fast world 3 things worth rememberingA guide for thriving in a fast world 3 things worth rememberingWhenOn the Origin of Specieswelches first published, it sent shockwaves through the world.Charles Darwin had worked on the theory of evolution through natural selection for more than 20 years before he presented his findings to the public. He knew itd be controversial.It wasnt the first time someone had suggested a natural explanation for the diversity of life, but even so, given the damage that the theory would do to existing paradigms of thought, Darwin knew that if he were to risk public outrage, he would have to be near certain.In the decade after publication, the debate went back and forth on the evidence in the book, but eventually, most of the scientific community came around and accepted his theory.Darwins dangerous idea was that life evolves and diversifies, over the course of millions of years, in response to the demands of any given environment. Hum ans are no different.This idea is now accepted as the core pillar that connects the life sciences. We know how we got here. One thing, however, that we tend to forget is how far we likely have to go.The force of evolution isnt done with us. Its still shaping who we are and what were becoming. In fact, with advances in technology, its doing so at a rate faster than ever.Artificial Intelligence, Augmented/Virtual Reality, and Blockchain technologies will create and destroy paradigms just like Darwins theory did. The only way to keep up with this change is to be prepared for it, and the best way to do that is to observe and adapt byKeeping your personal identity smallAdjusting to the evidence of the worldFinding low cost, high impact avenuesTo thrive in a changing world, you have to first accept that its changing. Then you adapt.Keep your personal identity smallIf you listen to two smart but different people debate a variety of topics from opposing sides, much of the time even if they never binnensee eye to eye, tension will be low and theyll be vertrgt.Thats, of course, unless they are talking about something like politics, religion, or even race.If two people with different belief systems go into many of these kinds of debates, rarely do you see tensionless and tolerant exchanges. In fact, emotions often start to flare quite quickly, and the debate ends up turning into something completely irrelevant and useless.Paul Graham, the founder of the startup incubator Y Combinator, wrote a short, but sweet, essay on this a few years ago in which he argues that the reason for this is that these are topics that people associate with their identity. As a result, they cant be unbiased.When something is deeply embedded in your identity, its hard for you to see the other side because youve already chosen a side, and then youve solidified it by heavily betting on it.Does this mean that its wrong to prefer a political party or that you shouldnt embrace any belief system? Not necessarily, but it does mean that its worth keeping your identity small.In a world thats going to see multiple lifetimes of change in the next decade or two, not letting go of an identity that is no longer beneficial is going to become increasingly costly.Your identity is only as valuable as its ability to help you create a sense of order in your mind about what is going on in the world, and how you fit into that equation. If this ceases to align with the changes going on in the external reality, then youre exposed to a fairly steep fall.Believe what you want to believe, but know that the world wont bend to your preferences.Adjust to the evidence of the worldPredicting the future is generally no more accurate than fortune telling, but one of the things that almost every economist agrees on is that a lot of jobs will be lost sooner than wed like.Whether or not these jobs will be replaced or not is up for debate. Either way, old ways of doing things will become outdated, and at least some new opportunities will arise.The last time we saw this level of disruption in the labor force was about 200 years ago in the days of the Industrial Revolution. New methods of production meant that many people who did manual labor, like textile workers, for example, no longer had an occupation.In the face of the evidence that the world was giving them about its new demands (like the need to run machinery, rather than doing manual labor), many of the workers adapted.There was, however, a group that didnt. They went around and destroyed the machines as a form of protest. They resisted change and eventually had to be stopped by military force.In the history books, theyre calledLuddites.While its understandable, and even sad, that their way of life was interrupted in such an aggressive way, their failure to adapt to what the world needed did nothing to change the course of history, but it did lead to personal misery.Its true that technology doesnt decide its own impact on humanity, and that we have to take a role in shaping its influence on society. That said, it does respond to the incentives of the world, and these incentives are stronger than any resistance or protest that we can put up.If you dont like where the world is going, work to redesign the incentives of the economy. If you cant, the smartest thing is to look in the direction its moving in and adjust accordingly.This means learning new skills, keeping yourself informed, and being adaptable to change.Find low cost, high impact avenuesOne of the reasons that its hard to predict paradigm shifts in the future is because, by definition, if something has never been done before, its incompatible with the current reality.As a result, many of the ideas that become revolutionary seem like pretty bad concepts at the time. They only become obvious in hindsight. They change our views as they advance over time, not before. The future is rarely shaped deliberately. Its built with experimentation.This applies as well to the arts as it does the sciences. Just as Darwins theory of evolution took at least a decade of time to gain widespread acceptance, so did Van Goghs paintings.The question then becomes, how on Earth do we harness opportunities we cant predict?Well, the first part is being informed enough to understand the general direction that were moving in. That means taking time to study what Artificial Intelligence actually is. You should know why people are so suddenly discussing the tauglichkeit of Blockchain technologies.After the initial exposure, unless youre taking it on yourself to use such technologies to shape the future, you should try to identify low cost, but potentially high impact avenues.Most such opportunities have a low probability of working out in your favor, but if youre informed and you plant enough seeds in places where the cost of failure is low, then there is also a better than random chance that youre exposing yourself to a hugely rewarding future.For some peopl e, this could mean learning a few extra skills in their spare time, while for others, its an incentive to try to build something that could be useful in a different future.Either way, its about experimenting enough to expose yourself to undiscovered possibilities.All you need to knowAt no point in history have we seen change and progress at the current rate. Were on the cusp of an exponential growth curve leading to a future that we may not even recognize.It took more than 10 years for Darwins theory of evolution to capture the imagination of the world, but when it did, it did so seismically. The changes occurring today are of similar scale.To thrive in a fast world, there are three things worth rememberingKeep your personal identity small. When you take any belief system and attach it too close to who you are, you leave yourself vulnerable to the hazards posed by your biases any time the world fights against your belief. Your identity should be flexible enough to evolve with realit y. That requires a sense of detachment from most ideas.Adjust to the evidence of the world. Technologies and societies change based on the incentive structures that the world lays out. If you dont like the direction were moving in, change the incentives. Otherwise, get accustomed to where we are going and prepare yourself to get there. Fighting to retain the status quo hurts nobody but you.Find low cost, but high impact avenues. Nobody can fully predict the future. The general direction that it moves in is identifiable if youre informed, but the specifics are only obvious looking back. Most ideas are bad until they are revolutionary. Experiment and plant seeds in places with low costs of failure and high potential.People prefer comfort to change, and as a result, anything that disrupts their routine gets labeled as bad. Yet, more often than not, change is only as good or bad as the response to it.You may not be able to control where the future directs you, but you can defend against it.Want to think and live smarter? Zat Rana publishes a free weekly newsletter for 30,000+ readers atDesign Luck.
Thursday, December 26, 2019
How to Become More Creative at Home and in Business
How to Become More Creative at Home and in geschftlicher umgang How to Become More Creative at Home and in Business Creativity and innovation are integral pieces of business success. Unfortunately,many of us have trouble tapping into that part of our brain. Life gets busy, and we get wrapped up in the routine of our everyday business operations. However, in order for us to flourish, we need to unleash our creativity.Personally, Im always looking for ways to inspire myself. I like to absorb as much information as possible, and I have found that one of the best ways to be inspired is to learn from others. Here is some of the best advice I have received on tapping into my owncreativity and innovation, which has helped lead to the success of my business.Be OriginalBe original, be different, be unique, and own it. Strive to be the person others look to for inspiration. Instead of coming up with ideas by usingothers examples, try to find inspiration within yourself. It can be easy to tak e ideas from other people, but what really pushes you forwardis creating that perfect idea, the one that makes everyone else wonder why they didnt thinkof it first.We sometimes forget to unlock our own unique creativity. I was taught to be original, and it has helped me to come up with some great ideas that havecontributedto my success. It is how well you can think for yourself, and the way you use your creativity, that will separate you from everyone else.When its time for me to come up with an original idea, I like to find a distributions-mix where I feel free free from distractions and open to the possibilities of what Im capable of. For me, this place is often a beautiful, quiet park along the water not too far from my house. There is something about flowing water and the tranquility of nature that inspires me. Once I am there, I like to reflect, taking pieces of the past and my own experiences and shaping them into something new and different.Clear Your MindGolf, meditation, y oga, jogging, listening to music, reading Do whatever it takes to clear your mind. Taking 15-30 minutes a day for yourself where you dont worry about work or your personal life can be excellent for your mental health and overall well-being.For me, this has come in the form of meditation. Meditation has helped me relax and has keptme centered. I like to begin my day with 15 minutes of meditation before my family has woken up. It has greatly improved my focus, and it puts me into a positive moodfor the rest of the day.Write Daily in aJournalTake 15 minutes a day and write down your thoughts, make a to-do list, or even write a letter to a friend. I would suggest doing this by hand, as there is something about penmanshipthat makes it more personal. Writing can be a great outletand an almosttherapeutic process for the mind. Find astyle of writing that will exercise your mind and get the creative juices flowing.Although I laughed when a friend first suggested this technique, I quickly end ed up making it a part of my daily routine. Ive found that taking the time to write at night before bed works best. I always have a lot on my mind at the end of the day, and this helps me unwind, puts my mind at ease, and expands my creativityThis process has also had a positive effect on my business. BecauseI have this outlet, I am able to get the sleep I need, which leavesme refreshed and ready for the next day. Evaluating the days work helps me understand where I can improve, and writing aboutthe bumps in the road has led me to some really great solutions.Stanley Meytin is the founder and creative director atTrue Film Production, a New York City-based video production company that creates videos for businesses and brands all over the world. Known for his creative visual storytelling, brand building, and digital marketing expertise, Meytin has helped many businesses establish their company images and transform themselves into iconic brands.A version of this article originally appe ared on BusinessCollective.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
The Lazy Way to Get Ahead at Work
The Lazy Way to Get Ahead at WorkThe Lazy Way to Get Ahead at WorkWhen I welches early on in my career, just a baby consultant (before I broke free and became a career coach), I used to wonder a lot of things. Namely, how people got ahead. Or, to put it anotherbei way How did that kind-of-douchey guy get promoted so quickly?And, why did that other girl seem to get jobs so easily? Also, how was that senior manager on the fast track? He was so youngIt took me a while to realize that they had one big thing in common They had support.The douchey guy had a powerful uncle who was willing to open doors.The other girl seemed to have an amazing network of peers who kept her in the know about job openings.The senior manager on the fast track seemed to have a regular hang-out with the leadership gruppe. And then there was me. Tall, a little awkward, and sometimes too direct. Sure, I was good at my job, but I also felt like I was getting left behind.Through too much directness, I had also made a not-friend of my company-assigned mentor (i.e., the person who was in charge of promoting me). I also hadnt spent much time getting to know my leadership team. You can guess that the first promotion I wanted didnt come as quickly as I had hoped for. Now, dont get me wrong The first step to getting ahead is to do great work and be known as someone people can count on. But step two is something that many people forget putting together a career support team. After all, if no one knows about how great your work is, or how great you are, then all the great work in the world wont help you move up the ladder or hand you that amazing opportunity youve been waiting for. So, how do you build that team? Here are three steps to consider at any job- ideally sooner, rather than later.Step 1 Focus on Your PeersSpend some time getting to know people at your level across the company. For one, it makes the workday a whole lot more fun when you know your co-workers. But in addition, people move on al l the time, and when they do, they can be a wonderful way for you to peek into a new company. Working side-by-side with someone is an obvious way to do that, but so is hanging out at company happy hour, inviting people to lunch or coffee, and just having a conversation at the coffee machine that isnt about work. (Yep, you want to build relationships, not just work contacts.) And as people do change projects, leave the company, or move on in general, maintain your connection with them. Keep in touch though social media and also through conversation- in person. Its amazing what one dinner or lunch can do to land you a new (and fabulous) job. Step 2 Seek Out a MentorMentoring has gotten to be a pretty formal term these days, but I think we are taking it too seriously. The truth is that you can be mentored by anyone you trust- a senior family member, an old boss, a leader in your company, or even a former peer who has moved up. It doesnt have to be a formal relationship, either, just so meone who you can bounce ideas off of and who has some wisdom or guidance to offer when you need some insight. Wondering if you should change jobs? Looking for a certain connection at a new company? Trying to get a meeting with a higher-up? Pick two or three people you know who you think have great advice for you or insight into something you are wondering about, and abflug informally chatting with them. Maybe its an office drive-by, a quick coffee, or a 20-minute phone call. Whatever makes sense for them (and you). Most people like to feel wise and valued, and if you are mindful of their time and appreciative of what they have to offer, it will pay dividends for you in the future.If you cant identify anyone who might fill this role, ask others who their mentors are, and see if that spurs ideas. You can also give it time and see who comes your way. Its the approved kind of stalkingStep 3 Get a SponsorSponsors are different than mentors- they are people in your current organization w ho are actively trying to help you move up the ladder. They help you because they like you and because your moving up helps them- you have a talent, skill, or ability that benefits them, so they are willing to go to bat for you. Finding someone who can be a true sponsor and winning them over takes time and work, but its well worth the effort. Id start with your manager or someone else whos one level above you. Ask to schedule time on this persons calendar to pick his or her brain about your career and plans for growth, asking for feedback, input, and advice. After that, go out of your way to be incredibly useful to this person, both in your current responsibilities and by taking on new ones, speaking up in meetings, and generally being a go-to employee. Finally, stay connected through informal hallway chats, office drive-bys, and scheduled check-ins, so youre always on your sponsors radar. And for me? Well, I asked for and got a new company mentor who really turned out to be a spons or in disguise, and I spent as much time as possible being helpful to her, getting to know my leadership team, and being amazing at my job. When promotion time came back around, I had an army of advocates who helped me get that next great position, and then the one after that. Three quick promotions later, I could look back and trace some of my success directly to my career support team. Bottom line Work hard, but make sure you have the right community surrounding you. Theres no end to what you can do.Feeling stuck and like you need an amazing community to help you find a career you love? Wishing that community was fun and also enjoyed wine? Youre in luck The Career on Fire retreat might be the perfect thing for you. Its a place for you to explore your passion and take some action, and its happening this October in Sonoma. Learn more now.Photo of man sleeping on desk courtesy of Shutterstock.
Monday, December 16, 2019
Step-by-Step Guide to Planning an Album Release Party
Step-by-Step Guide to Planning an Album Release PartyStep-by-Step Guide to Planning an Album Release PartyWhether youre releasing a full-length album, a single or an EP, and whether youve got physical copies or going digital all the way, an album launch cocktailparty works wonders for getting your fans (and profil fans) all excited about the new stuff. The nuts and bolts of holding a CD launch party arent so different from planning a standard show. Behind the scenes, a lot of the work is the same. It is what happens during the event that platzsets things apart. Consider the Budget Launch parties have the potential to take a bigger bite out of your bank account than other shows. Why? Because, ideally, you wont be charging at the door at your launch party. Some people do, mind you, but your best bet is to treat this as a launch party - emphasis on party - rather than a traditional show. You likely dont charge your friends when you have a get-together at your place, so dont charge your fans to come to your album party. Plus, its simply easier to get them through the door at a free event. You want to create an atmosphere where everyone is buzzing about your new music, and helping your fans have a good night on the cheap goes a long way to improving the mood. However, that means you could be looking at some bigger expenses. The specifics depend on your circumstances, but you might have to pay a venue hire fee and/or bar tiefpunkt, plus posters, any advertising you do, any free merch you plan to give away, etc. Start out with a realistic idea of what you can spend, keeping in mind that this launch party shouldnt leave you with no cash left over to further promote your new release. Locate Your Schtick The coolest thing about a launch party is that you can have a lot of fun doing something unique at your show. What is going to make this night special? Give your fans something to talk about. Youre limited only by your imagination (and the law and venue policie s) here. Musicians have done everything from giving away baked goods to raffling off private concerts and everything in between for their launch parties. Maybe you want a signature drink, a costume contest, a dance-off, a trivia contest - anything that you think will be fun for you and your fans, go for it. It will draw people through the door, give the press something to write about and be the foundation for many a we saw this great band called so-and-so once, and at the show they... - thats the kind of word of mouth that moves some product Find Your Venue Finding the right venue for your launch party is a matter of weighing up thesize, cost, and accommodation. Size How many people do you think you can pull in for the party (keep in mind that free shows can bring in more people than paying shows)? Cost Since youre probably not charging at the door to help cover your costs, what venue will give you a decent hire fee/bar minimum that you think you can meet without going too out of pocket? Accommodation Remember your schtick? Which venue can/will accommodate it? For instance, if your schtick involves gruband the venue in question doubles as a restaurant, they may balk at your idea. If youre hoping to pull off anything too out of the box during your party, be sure to consult the venue while making your booking to make sure they dont put the kibosh on your plans on the night of the show. Put Together a Good Bill Your launch party is definitely all about you and your new music, but putting together a good bill for the night can only up the party atmosphere. Its your special night, so youre the headliner, but pick a few other good acts in your area to draw in some people. As a bonus, some of their fans who might not be familiar with your music will come out for the free show and stick around to discover your sounds. Stick a DJ in between sets and have them hang around after your set if youve got time before the venue closes for a little post-set dance party . Note that if youre having a hard time nailing down a venue, putting your bill together before you start booking could make it easier. It is especially true if you dont have a long track record of shows to point to. A strong bill can give the venue confidence that youre going to have a good turnout. Promote Your Little Heart Out The basics of promoting your launch party are the same as promoting any other kind of show - the trick is that you want to play up that fact that youre launching a new release and use the special things youve got in store for the party as a press angle. In other words, your launch party that also includes band name charades, a costume contest, and a raffle to win a house concert with the band gives the press a lot more to sink their teeth into than ye olde standard were playing a show on Tuesday. Never promoted a show before? Check out some solid tips for first-time promoters. Knowing the ins and out of booking live concerts can also help you make heads or tails of the whole process, from booking to promotion. Get the Goods You should have your new music on sale and available for fans at the show, even if youre selling download codes/coupons/what have you. T-shirts and such are great, too - you can sell a lot of this stuff when the mood is good at your gig, and since youre not charging at the door, this is your aussicht to make some money to cover your costs. Also, be sure you have everything you need for any special events youre holding - raffle tickets, prizes, etc. Deliver the Goods Dont get so wrapped up in the other parts of the planning that you let your set take a backseat. The bells and whistles will get them through the door, but a good set will keep them buying tickets for the next shows. Here are some more helpful tips Have your launch party as close to the actual release date of your music as possible (if youre adhering to a strict release date). If youve got to choose between having it, say, the week before or the week after, go for the week before. Consider it a special treat for your local fans and use it to build excitement and momentum in the run-up to the big day.Extend invitations to the press. If youre having a free show, the lure of the guest list is kind of null and void, but you can attract the press to your show with promises of a free drink. Dont limit yourself to traditional venues. Maybe you want to have a Sunday afternoon cookout launch party out at a park so your fans can bring their families, but youll need to rent the shelter and get the permits before you go for it. Maybe a house party is a better fit. A launch party is a great chance to fulfill those unique gig dreams, so dont be afraid to step out of the box a little bit in terms of location. Its fun for you, fun for your fans, helps amp up that notion that this is more than a typical show and increase the likelihood that your show is going to attract media attention. If youve got a big fancousine in an area you cant conceivably get to for a launch party, consider hosting a listening party there. You will need strong local contacts who can help you pull off the event and act as your representatives (a good relationship with a promoter, another band, a local label, etc.), but you can add many of the elements of the launch party you will be attending,to the listening party and simply have your music playing throughout the night.Again, the emphasis here is on the local contacts. This idea works best if yousay, work with a label in Chapel Hill, but youre based in San Francisco - you can hold the party in your home base while your label can hold the listening party for you on their turf. If youve got someone on the ground you can trust, this idea can certainly expand the impact of your launch. If youve got parties going on at the same time, you can even live link up via the web (another cool little angle to deliver to the press).
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Chronic procrastination 5 weird (but effective) ways you can conquer it
Chronic procrastination 5 weird (but effective) ways you can conquer itChronic procrastination 5 weird (but effective) ways you can conquer it5) The ComboHow to beat chronic procrastinationHeres a round up of current research on procrastination so we have a useful list to refer to whenwillpowergets low.1) Positive ProcrastinationYes, thats right,procrastination can be agoodthing.Dr. John Perry, author ofThe Art of Procrastination, explains a good method for leveraging your lazinessThe key to productivity, he argues in The Art of Procrastination, is to makemoracommitments - but to be methodical about it.At the top of your to-do list, put a couple of daunting, if not impossible, tasks that are vaguely important-sounding (but really arent) and seem to have deadlines (but really dont). Then, farther down the list, include some doable tasks that really matter.Doing behauptung tasks becomes a way of not doing the things higher up on the list,Dr. Perry writes.A similar tip is described by Piers Steel, author ofThe Procrastination EquationMy best trick is to play my projects off against each other, procrastinating on one by working on another.Dr. Steel says its based on sound principles of behavioral psychologyWe are willing to pursue any vile task as long as it allows us to avoid something worse.2) DashesA big parte of chronic procrastination isdread.The task seems overwhelming. And thats the first issue that needs attacking thosefeelings.Bybreaking the problem down into smaller chunks- even ones that require only1 minuteof activity - you prove to yourself the task isnt insurmountableadash, which is simplya short burst of focused activity during which you force yourself to do nothing but work on the procrastinated item for averyshort period of time- perhaps as little as just one minute.So this sounds good in theory but youre probably thinkingwhats that first step and wont that be horribly, horribly painful?For any procrastinated task, the first thing is to takeone minuteand justwrite down the steps you need to do to finish the taskJust a rough draft, at first, and thats it. Maybe just 3 steps. I then add more stepsNow, for some unknown reason, when there is nothing else to think about, and there is no way to screw this task up, because everything is laid out in front of me, I just start working on the task automatically.I might do just the first baby micro-step at first, but thats OK. It follows to the next, and to the next, and before I know it, the task is finished.3) Commitment DevicesYou know that rewards and punishments can be effective in building good behavior.This theory can still be the backbone of a very effective strategy - once you take that pesky you out of the equation.Give your friend $100. If you get the task done by 5PM, you get your $100 back. If it doesnt, you lose the $100.Or make it $200 that the friend doesnt keep - they donate it to the KKK or NAMBLA in your name.Get the picture? Thats a commitment device.The fruchtwe in important thing is thedefault position.You cant say I will give them $200 if I fail. No, you give the $200first.The default is they have your money.You want it back? Get the task done on time.4) Improve your moodYou procrastinate the most when youre in a bad mood and think you can improve it with something fun.When youre in a good mood or when you dont think you can improve how you feel, you screw around a lot less.ViaTemptation Finding Self-Control in an Age of ExcessSo procrastination is a mood-management technique, albeit (like eating or taking drugs) a shortsighted one. But were most prone to it when we think it will actually helpWell, far and away the most procrastination occurred among the bad-mood students who believed their mood could be changed and who had access to fun distractions. This group spent nearly 14 of their 15 minutes of prep time goofing offStudents who believed their bad mood was frozen (those who were not given a supposedly mood-lifting candle) spent less than 6 minutes goofing off. (Even the good-mood students procrastinated slightly more if they believed their mood could be altered.)If youre really going to be motivated, you need tofeelsomething. Having a rational goal in mind or thinking you want something just isnt enough.What moves you? What inspires you?Try that.Dont know what makes you feel better? Gohere.Because glib as it may sound, changing your mood can change your mind.5) The ComboSo heres the chronic procrastination knockout punch1)Manage your mood throughout the day.Do the little things that keep you positive. Get enough sleep. Eat regularly. Take breaks.2)Make your list of to-dos with the terrifying stuff at the top and the easier stuff at the bottom.3)Do a one minute dash andwrite out the steps needed to beat the first problem.This should help you get past the fear and start building momentum.If the dashes arent working, theyre not short and easy enough.4)Still too difficult? Use positive procrastination and do one of the things lower on this list, rather than 1.5)Establish your commitment device.Hand your friend that money, your most cherished possession orwhatever has the most painful downside you can think of. The default position must be that youre already screwed and need to un-screw yourself. If the commitment devices arent working, theyre not scary enough.After that, just loop 3-5.With enough practice, these become habit and thats the goal.The desire to procrastinate never completely vanishes. What matters is how you respond when you get that itch.Join over 315,000 readers.Get a free weekly update via emailhere.Related postsWhat 10 things should you do every day to improve your life?What good work habits do nearly all geniuses have in common?Checklist Are you doing these five things to be more effective at work?This column originally appeared at Barking Up the Wrong Tree.Chronic procrastination 5 weird (but effective) ways you can conquer it5) The ComboHow to beat chronic procrastinationH eres a round up of current research on procrastination so we have a useful list to refer to whenwillpowergets low.1) Positive ProcrastinationYes, thats right,procrastination can be agoodthing.Dr. John Perry, author ofThe Art of Procrastination, explains a good method for leveraging your lazinessThe key to productivity, he argues in The Art of Procrastination, is to makemorecommitments - but to be methodical about it.At the top of your to-do list, put a couple of daunting, if not impossible, tasks that are vaguely important-sounding (but really arent) and seem to have deadlines (but really dont). Then, farther down the list, include some doable tasks that really matter.Doing these tasks becomes a way of not doing the things higher up on the list,Dr. Perry writes.A similar tip is described by Piers Steel, author ofThe Procrastination EquationMy best trick is to play my projects off against each other, procrastinating on one by working on another.Dr. Steel says its based on sound prin ciples of behavioral psychologyWe are willing to pursue any vile task as long as it allows us to avoid something worse.2) DashesA big part of chronic procrastination isdread.The task seems overwhelming. And thats the first issue that needs attacking thosefeelings.Bybreaking the problem down into smaller chunks- even ones that require only1 minuteof activity - you prove to yourself the task isnt insurmountableadash, which is simplya short burst of focused activity during which you force yourself to do nothing but work on the procrastinated item for averyshort period of time- perhaps as little as just one minute.So this sounds good in theory but youre probably thinkingwhats that first step and wont that be horribly, horribly painful?For any procrastinated task, the first thing is to takeone minuteand justwrite down the steps you need to do to finish the taskJust a rough draft, at first, and thats it. Maybe just 3 steps. I then add more stepsNow, for some unknown reason, when there i s nothing else to think about, and there is no way to screw this task up, because everything is laid out in front of me, I just start working on the task automatically.I might do just the first baby micro-step at first, but thats OK. It follows to the next, and to the next, and before I know it, the task is finished.3) Commitment DevicesYou know that rewards and punishments can be effective in building good behavior.This theory can still be the backbone of a very effective strategy - once you take that pesky you out of the equation.Give your friend $100. If you get the task done by 5PM, you get your $100 back. If it doesnt, you lose the $100.Or make it $200 that the friend doesnt keep - they donate it to the KKK or NAMBLA in your name.Get the picture? Thats a commitment device.The most important thing is thedefault position.You cant say I will give them $200 if I fail. No, you give the $200first.The default is they have your money.You want it back? Get the task done on time.4) Imp rove your moodYou procrastinate the most when youre in a bad mood and think you can improve it with something fun.When youre in a good mood or when you dont think you can improve how you feel, you screw around a lot less.ViaTemptation Finding Self-Control in an Age of ExcessSo procrastination is a mood-management technique, albeit (like eating or taking drugs) a shortsighted one. But were most prone to it when we think it will actually helpWell, far and away the most procrastination occurred among the bad-mood students who believed their mood could be changed and who had access to fun distractions. This group spent nearly 14 of their 15 minutes of prep time goofing offStudents who believed their bad mood was frozen (those who were not given a supposedly mood-lifting candle) spent less than 6 minutes goofing off. (Even the good-mood students procrastinated slightly more if they believed their mood could be altered.)If youre really going to be motivated, you need tofeelsomething. Havi ng a rational goal in mind or thinking you want something just isnt enough.What moves you? What inspires you?Try that.Dont know what makes you feel better? Gohere.Because glib as it may sound, changing your mood can change your mind.5) The ComboSo heres the chronic procrastination knockout punch1)Manage your mood throughout the day.Do the little things that keep you positive. Get enough sleep. Eat regularly. Take breaks.2)Make your list of to-dos with the terrifying stuff at the top and the easier stuff at the bottom.3)Do a one minute dash andwrite out the steps needed to beat the first problem.This should help you get past the fear and start building momentum.If the dashes arent working, theyre not short and easy enough.4)Still too difficult? Use positive procrastination and do one of the things lower on this list, rather than 1.5)Establish your commitment device.Hand your friend that money, your most cherished possession orwhatever has the most painful downside you can think of. T he default position must be that youre already screwed and need to un-screw yourself. If the commitment devices arent working, theyre not scary enough.After that, just loop 3-5.With enough practice, these become habit and thats the goal.The desire to procrastinate never completely vanishes. What matters is how you respond when you get that itch.Join over 315,000 readers.Get a free weekly update via emailhere.Related postsWhat 10 things should you do every day to improve your life?What good work habits do nearly all geniuses have in common?Checklist Are you doing these five things to be more effective at work?This column originally appeared at Barking Up the Wrong Tree.
Friday, December 6, 2019
New Step by Step Roadmap for Examples of Resume
New Step by Step Roadmap for Examples of Resume The Key to Successful Examples of Resume Resume objectives are occasionally thought to be the old schooltype of resume. Resume objectives can be a little controversial. As a result, while your resume objective should consist of information on the career you want, you also need to spell out why you are the perfect candidate for the job. A resume objective tells employers what sort of job which youre seeking and what you can provide them. If you choose to incorporate a resume objective, you ought to be quite careful on the option of words you add in the objective. As someone in the retail industry, you may not be sure whether to incorporate a resume objective. My aim is to find the job.One of the hazards of a resume objective is that you are able to focus too much on what you would like in your career, and not enough on how you are going to add value to the provider. You need your resume to get an influence on the hiring manager reviewing it, so make certain your objective states a clearly defined goal. For this reason, you need to have a specific resume objective. Finally, stating an objective is optional, but it might help convince employers that you understand what you need and know about the business. Examples of Resume - the Conspiracy Many possess a wide selection of skills and have dabbled in a number of types of writing. View the objective section for a place to highlight your abilities and accomplishments instead of a wish list for the sort of punkt youd love to have. If you dont desire to use a resume objective, you can just use a heading below your name that indicates the sort of job you would like to apply for. Research well and refer to a couple examples as well before you get started filling your resume.Youll locate cover letters out there for all types of different jobs in various formats. Many have letters, a few of which are quite long. You shouldnt outline your requirements in th e cover letter. If you are only starting out in your work life then you are not going to have much to put back on your resume and so its not essential to fill a couple of pages full of fluff that isnt relevant or interesting. Get the Scoop on Examples of Resume Before Youre Too Late Our resume builder provides you with tips and examples about how to compose your resume summary. The success of a coffee shop isnt merely contingent on the grade of the espresso but in addition on the experience. Keep in mind that common errors, though very little, may have a big effect on your application. Additionally, there are resume templates you may download to make your own resume. Just provide a high effect overview of what exactly you are able to provide the employer. The resume summary will function as their sales pitch. On the flip side, functional resumes are typically used by fresh graduates or individuals who have less experience but want to grab the work vacancy. Also avoid the typical mistakes created by the job employers. Long paragraphs may drop the readers interest. Bending resume rules is done all of the time though a lot of the time not on purpose. Old resumes were written like that. Begin with listing most relevant job abilities. When youre prepared to look for your next sales position, you must stick out from the crowd. Being in a career slump isnt an enjoyable and takes some work to escape from. It is often as easy as stating your preferred job title, or it may show where youre, and where you aspire to go in your career. If youre dissatisfied with your work, youre in a self-imposed career slump
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Is Your Job the Best Job in America
Is Your Job the Best Job in America Sure, you have a great job. Your boss is cool. You have a good salary and benefits package. Nobody complains when you take vacation.But is it the best of all possible jobs? If youre wondering how your job stacks up against the best jobs across the country, youll want to take a look at this years50 Best Jobs in Americalist from job site Glassdoor.This report highlights jobs that stand out across three key factors earning potential, hiring demand, and job satisfaction, explains Andrew Chamberlain, chief economist at Glassdoor.Of particular note, Glassdoors research shows that higher pay is linked to job satisfaction, but in a smaller way than you might expect.Money can buy happiness, but other workplace factors actually have a larger impact on your overall satisfaction including culture and values, career opportunities, and the quality of senior leadership, Chamberlain says.Many of the jobs on Glassdoors list are in high-growth sectors, such as tech, healthcare, and finance. Competition for talent is fierce in these areas, so its no surprise to see workers report high satisfaction. Companies are bending over backward to attract and retain skilled talent.Plus, we are currently experiencing a strong labor market with almost 6 million open jobs, hence corporate recruiters are in especially high demand, as companies need help finding the right people for all of the other in-demand jobs, Chamberlain says. And these employees report strong job satisfaction because they are uniquely positioned to help others find their own dream jobs.Tech jobs are also in high demand across industries, in part because every company is trying to become a tech company these days, Chamberlain says.They all need people who know how to collect, organize, and analyze data to help them make better, more informed geschftliches miteinander decisions, Chamberlain continues. Not only do we see a rise in demand for people with th e skills to apply statistics and machine learning to gather actionable insights based on data for businesses, but we also see jobs directly involved in business decision-making such as business analysts, strategy managers, and business development managers are highly sought after. What Makes a Good Job a Best Job?Data scientist tops the Glassdoor list for the third consecutive year, suggesting theres something special about this role that makes it stand above other jobs. Chamberlain chalks it up to high demand (4,524 open jobs), high salaries ($110,000 median base salary), and high rates of job satisfaction.Data scientists and many of their fellow top 50 roles share a number of things in common, but one of the primary qualities they share is availability across verticals and industries.A key trend we see for these Best Jobs is that many of these roles are also ones that can be found in almost every industry from data scientists to HR managers and executive assistants, Chamberlain says. This is encouraging for people with these skills, as there is a wide range of career opportunities to consider. Plus, with the growing impact of automation across industries, demand will continue to grow for workers with the ability to leverage technology to enhance what they do on a daily basis. The Doctor Is in (and So Are Her Coworkers)Thats not to say every job on the list crosses industry borders the way many tech jobs do. The healthcare industry also boasts prominent placement on Glassdoors list. Occupational therapist ranks No. 4, followed by physician assistant (No. 25), nursing manager (No. 28), speech language pathologist (No. 35), and nurse practitioner (No. 49).An interesting debut to our Best Jobs list is speech language pathologist, which is related to the broader boom in healthcare jobs, says Chamberlain. This role is focused on helping people, oftentimes children, improve their lives and well-being, without the downsides associated with emergency room work or nursing. It is no surprise that many of these employees are satisfied at work. Plus, people with these strong and creative communication skills will be able to use technology to enhance their work and are in no danger of being replaced by automation this year, if ever.It can be difficult to find passion in your work. You may be trudging along from paycheck to paycheck, thinking theres nothing better out there. For readers looking to guarantee growth, satisfaction, and opportunity, the 50 jobs on Glassdoors list will be a good place to start.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Scientists have named surfing the internet at work cyberloafing
Scientists have named surfing the internet at work cyberloafingScientists have named surfing the internet at work cyberloafingWhen the workday drags on, we may turn to the wonders of the world wide web for a spark of entertainment.Now, scientists in a new study published inComputers in menschenwrdig Behavior have a term for it cyberloafing, or personal use of the internet during working hours. Bosses who catch us scrolling through Instagram may see this as a sign of laziness, but the researchers want us to rethink this, finding it to be a natural coping mechanism to workplace boredom.We cyberloaf to get through boring daysWhen the researchers surveyed 463 university personnel, they found that cyberloafing correlated with low workloads. People who cyberloafed were more likely to say their work was boring and monotonous. They were more likely to get mentally sluggish during the day.In other words, cyberloafing is a way for employees to cope with feeling underused and disengaged at work and is not necessarily a destructively counterproductive work behavior. The researchers called it an interest-enhancing behavior or a boredom coping strategy.When you see employees scrolling endlessly through their phones at work, recognize that its a sign that they are feeling disengaged with the job.Cyberloafing can be used as an indication of boredom on the job, and training efforts can be made to channel employees efforts into more productive outlets such as job crafting or enriching, the researchers conclude.So, next time you catch yourself looking at your phone to get through the doldrums of the work day, see it as a wake-up call that your workload needs to change.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Honing Additive Manufacturing Skills
Honing Additive Manufacturing Skills Honing Additive Manufacturing Skills Honing Additive Manufacturing SkillsArizona State University manufacturing engineering majors work on real-world additive manufacturing problems thanks to a new, 15,000-square-foot research facility devoted to the technique at the universitys Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering Polytechnic campus in Mesa, AZ.The university is home to one of only 21 manufacturing engineering undergraduate degree programs in the U.S. and the new center gives those students a chance to hone their skills through project-based learning, says Malcolm Green, who helped establish the new four-year program.During his time at Arizona State, Green, now executive director of the Arizona Manufacturing Partnership, worked to obtain industry sponsorships to fund new academic and research programs in additive manufacturing in which the students can participate. The facility results from an ASU partnership with Concept Laser, Honeywell, Strata sys, and Phoenix Analysis and Design Technologies.The $2-million additive manufacturing center will extend those opportunities, he adds.Aerospace engineering student Brittany Nez holding Electron Beam Melting manufactured bars. renommee Jessica Slater/ASUTheres an insufficient talent pipeline going into manufacturing engineering and these companies need knowledge about these new technologies, he says. They need to recruit the next generation of manufacturing professionals, so were serving the needs of industry and only through partnership can we do that.The advanced manufacturing lab, an example of one partnership launched in 2015, houses around 25 3D printing systems that can print polymers, metals, and composites.Besides equipment, the facility offers advanced processing and analysis capabilities for use by students, faculty, and industry partners, Green says.Both industrial partners and students use the machines for a number of research and development activities, including alloy development, ceramics direct sintering, and acoustic meta-material research, as well as prototyping of complex mechanical components, says Ann McKenna, director of the polytechnic.With so few of these types of centers, this really positions us regionally to be the go-to place that can work with academic partners, federal agencies and industry to advance a new and emerging field, says Ann McKenna, director of the Polytechnic School.For its part, Honeywell Aerospace outsources to the center the research and development that cant currently be staffed.We want to use the ASU lab to engage students to help us understand the science behind some of the things were doing, says Donald Godfrey, engineering fellow for additive manufacturing at Honeywell Aerospace.Honeywell plans to bring metal additive manufacturing techniques into its future product-making portfolio and, to that end, operate four additive manufacturing technology centers around the world, including the Arizona center. The oth ers are located in Bangalore, India the Czech Republic and Shanghai, China.The center can be used for other projects that match industry initiatives with student-led research and development. For instance, students in the program teamed for 2015 fall semester with Local Motors of Phoenix, to research and test materials that could be used to 3D printed automotive test parts, says John Rogers, the companys founder and chief executive officer.Local Motors hopes to bring to market the first 3D printed automobile. The automaker introduces its first 3D printed car in 2014. Designs for a new vehicle are in progress in parallel with materials development and testing. The first models are expected to hit roads in 2017, Rogers adds.The students focused on designing, simulating,4 and fabricating a set of test structures and test systems to increase the inter-laminar strength of 3D printed automotive parts. Theyll also have access to Local Motors operations and itslarge-scale 3D printer.Teaming up with students allows us to get more great minds involved in the project. Having more minds on a particular aspect of a project can help us find quick solutions to problems, says the companys vehicle systems engineer Tony Rivera.On the project, four mechanical engineering undergraduates found a way to help Local Motors strengthen the adhesion between the 3D printed layers by around 35 percent, needed to make the cars strong enough to be considered safe for highway driving.The Strati, a line of Local Motors printed cars, is made from ABS plastic reinforced with carbon fiber. The 3D printer melts down small pellets of the ABS plastic into a pliable material that the machine exudes in layers. The Stratis design calls for 212 layers of 3D-printed material, with layers securely adhering to one another.Through research and tests they carried out at the ASUs Polytechnic center and at Local Motors facilities, the team discovered that attaching a heat source just in front of the 3D printe rs nozzle warms the previous layer of ABS plastic enough to improve bond strength of the adhesion by more than 35 percent.These findings can be refined to further strengthen the material, Rogers says.As his companys partnership with the students will be ongoing, he anticipates a spate of discoveries that will help Local Motors get on the road faster. The discoveries will come thanks, in part, to the universitys new additive manufacturing center.Jean Thilmany is an independent writer.Learn more about the issues and challenges associated with every step of the additive manufacturing lifecycle at AM3D. For Further DiscussionTheres an insufficient talent pipeline going into manufacturing engineering and these companies need knowledge about these new technologies.Malcolm Green, Associate Director, Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering Polytechnic
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Stedman Grahams unconventional advice for young professionals
Stedman Grahams unconventional advice for young professionalsStedman Grahams unconventional advice for young professionalsTaking a sociology course? Drop it. Read a book, Stedman Graham joked to Ladders. The New York Times bestselling author was quick to pepper, measured responses with short bursts of dry humor, though never at claritys expense.The pleasure of our correspondence regarded his new book,Identity Leadership To Lead Others, You Must First Lead Yourselfa meditation on self-actualization and productivity, on route to becoming Grahams 12th publication.Center StreetFollow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreAge of skillsIn honor of the approaching release, in addition to a partnered launch of a diversity,and inclusion initiative, Graham spoke at Thrive Global about themission statement of his latest book and all of theseminal passions that inspired it. Identity, Graham remarked, in his introduction and pointed out again in our one-on-one chat.Making the most out of time is purposed by a thorough and conscientious knowledge of ones self-a practice Graham believes many Americans employ much too late. He frequently evidenced a frustration at all the hours wasted by a generation that ultimately lacks orientation. Graham once contended that there are 6.5 billion people (the population of the world) that dont know who they are- they have no process for organizing their life around the 24 hours that they have.This assessment is endorsed by a survey featured in Grahamss new book, directed by Harris Poll, that underscores the most common menaces to productivity. Fifty percent of respondents reported losing time to personal calls and texts, 42% confessed spending the majority of their day gossiping, and 39% occasioned the internet a vice that earned a bit more charity from Graham than the others. In his estimation, the educational system is outdated, which means young professionals must rely on other means to stay enlightened, and relevant in the 21st century.Currently, the consensus regarding the practical necessity of college educationis in limbo. As of 2019,Americans owe over $1.56 trillion in student loan debt, segmented among 45 million borrowers. When higher education stopped being about developing skills germane to our interests and turned into an institution that determined how much we ought to earn every year, ambivalent young adults decided having a degree in something was better than taking a year or two to figure out what it is they actually want to do. Information only becomes knowledge when it is attended by purpose.Today, the educational system teaches you to memorize, take tests, repeat the information back, you get labeled with a grade, If I asked what you learned two weeks later, the student will probably say I forgot. Nothing for nothing equals nothing, Graham commented to CBS back in 2012.Seven years later, Graham still celeb rates the process of rumination. I asked the author if there were simple direct ways to focus an anxious trajectory, specifically for those that already cowed to the college myth. History has taught me that big questions often relent to an army of small ones.College is supposed to prepare you for success, Graham told Ladders. Is what youre studying preparing you for the workforce? Taking sociology courses, drop it? Read a book. Are you taking psychology courses? Drop it, read a book. You taking liberal arts? Drop it, get you some books. Focus on skills. Not generalized information. This is the age of skills.An efficient tactical approach to determining whether or not enrollment is costing you valuable time is conditioning your mind to think like an employer. Graham added I wanna know what you can do. I dont care about what school you went to, or how smart you think you are. What can you do? And does it bring value to my company? Does it bring value to my organization? Figure out whe re the industry is going and what you should be focused on. Drive, knowledge of ones self, and trust are all neatly defined as Self Leadership. Unraveling the process to success begins by organizing the things that youre passionate about. Similarly to interviews, Graham has done in the past, the word love punctuated virtually every proclamation. He defines love as the fidelity to the things you care about, making love practical.Instead of reacting to habits, Graham implores us to organize information toward a foundation of growth and development.Leaders, not labelsThe fruits of self-leadership extend beyond the professional realm, of course. Members of marginalizedgroups are particularlyat risk of being amputated from a sense of self-worth. Graham lamented the pervasion of labels that keeps so many young women and minoritiesfrom discovering pertinent things about their desires and passions. Too often, labels, are just limitations disguised as cultural appreciation the kind of hackne yed blurb that reins MLKs efforts, or Virginia Woolfs influence.Coleman Hughes is a brilliant writer and student currentlyenrolled at Columbia University, as a philosophy major. The well-reasoned undergrad is a frequent contributor to Quillette, Heterodox Academy, and the Columbia Daily Spectator, he also happens to be a person of color- a superficial distinction that ensures the quality of his writing play second fiddle to tribal urges. Graham dedicated some time to address the kinds of controversies that call Colemans authenticity into question.At multiple points, he mentioned his objective to do away with all of the barriers that keep opportunities and education out of the reach of disenfranchised groups, some of which are institutional, and some of which are philosophical. In reference to the latter, i.e. the fear that the outlay for obtaining certain kinds of success, or adopting certain kinds of world views, is the right to your culture, Graham declared that we have to belong to ourselves, first and foremost. For many years, Graham confesses to not knowing who he was by reason of his race-based consciousness. When you relinquish your power of identity to social constructs, you forfeit control of your development.Early in life, I let other people define me. I let people define me by my race. Graham continues. I couldnt make plans for my life because I had no concept of who I was or what I was capable of.ur passions paint a more faithful image of our character, not arbitrary features like race or gender. As Graham pointed out, the list of labels get very long when you let other people define you. When we acquiesce to labels, we concurrently develop mindsets to inequality, which leads to us making poor choices and limiting our own potential and opportunities.Write down all the things you love. An organizational process-organize then you gotta think. Identify your skills. Eliminate all the things you dont want to do. And narrow it down to the things that you might want to do. From here, ask yourself, which one of these things would I do, even if I never had to work for a living? If you didnt have to get paid, what would you do?Once again, when mapping success, Graham motioned that love is the most faithful navigator and that time offers the truest mark of egalitarianism.Everybodys got 24 hours, thats what makes us equal. The question is how are you going to organize that 24 hours so that you can become a learner.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from jngstes Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people
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